
Saturday, November 28, 2009

My how things can change in 24 hours. If you read yesterday's entry, you
know how well things were going. About two hours later, my heart rate
dropped into the 50's and became irregular. When I called the doctor, they
wanted me admitted immediately since it is still so close to transplant. We left
Finn at his Gram & PawPaw's and came straight over to NOLA. Of course
everything normalized by the time I got fifteen minutes down the road. Dr.
Patel wants me to stay until Monday when Dr. Ventura get back, while they
decide to put in a pacemaker or just a satellite monitor. With the satellite
monitor I would just push a button when my heart rate felt irregular, it would
record the activity, and send it to the hospital.

I am so frustrated. It is horrible sitting in here waiting until Monday when I
had so many plans for the weekend. I am so ready to get my Christmas on! I
was going to go to my mom's today and pick up my Christmas decorations
that are still there. Zac is gone to pick me up some La Madeline's for dinner
right now. I cannot believe it's only 3:30 p.m. I thought surely I would only be
here one night. This is awful; I can't stand it. Once you have been home, had
your freedom, been in your own house, visited around for the holidays, it is
torture. Monday, Monday, Monday come soon! I really do not know what else
to say. Misery.