Walk This Way

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wow, what a difference 24 hours can make. I was really, REALLY down yesterday this time. Then, Bethany was able to walk w/o getting weak, light-headed or short of breath last night, which was encouraging, and a
positive end to the day yesterday.

Today, I am full of good news! Around 12:30 am, she was transferred to the heart failure/transplant floor. This part of the hospital is newer, looks state of the art, and has huge windows with views...instead of brick walls. She is in room 7078.

Insurance has approved her for the heart transplant work-up, which is only the screening to see
if she would be a candidate for a transplant, should that option become necessary down the
road. Tomorrow will be a day of tests and consults for her, to she if she meets criteria for a

Her doctor came in this morning, and was encouraged with her heart rate, and her tolerance of walking. They have started her back on Coreg again today, at half the dose they tried on Monday. So far, so good. 

Kim & I had Finn in the waiting area, and Bethany and Zac came walking to the waiting room!!!!!!
YAY!!!!! She looked radiant...hope and happiness filling her face, as she found herself able to
walk that far (@ 75 yds) and then see baby Finn sleeping, looking so sweet. They walked back
to the room, and Zac came back to the waiting room with tears of JOY in his eyes...the despair
driven back. Of course we know there will still be disappointments, but I think we all needed the
uplifting, positive day today has been.

Bethany's mom, Cheryl, and I made a run to Wal Mart for food, extra clothes, toiletries, etc. We
stopped by Subway and got some heart-healthy sandwiches for everyone, as a little break from
hospital food.

Right now, Kim is upstairs moving us into a new room. The fan for the a/c froze up today, and
the room smells of electrical malfunction. I am down in the hotel laundry room. We all needed
clean clothes. Baby Finn seems to miss the burp cloth more often than not. Zac, Cheryl and
Finn are hanging out in Bethany's room, keeping her company.

We are all so overwhelmed with the show of support, love, prayers, and offers of assistance.
Emails offering hope and encouragement have helped so much. Thanks from the bottom of my
heart...gosh..it is amazing how often I use the word heart in daily conversation. It has taken on
a whole new, and deeper meaning. A friend (thanks Beth E) referenced a Bible verse today...
Jeremiah 32, v27. Good choice!
"Behold I am the LORD, the God of all flesh, is anything too difficult for me?”

I thank God for each of you!