Roll Tide Roll

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Geez...this disability paperwork is no joke! I am not sure if I have previously posted about this
or not, but I am yapping about again. Once again, let me say how thankful I am that Beth kept
such a detailed, dated journal because it has definitely been a lifesaver in helping me list every
single test procedure and medication administered since the date I became disabled. I know that
it is rare that someone is automatically approved without having to appeal, but it would really be
nice if I didn’t have to deal with anything additional.

I am sitting here sifting through paperwork, sipping my coffee, and watching the Today Show as
Finn continues to sleep. I hate to brag, but I am so thankful everyday that I have a five-monthold
who sleeps an average of ten hours per night, and I didn’t even have to anything. He started
eating fruit last night and loved his apples. Maybe tonight we’ll try bananas or pears. He has his
six month check-up Monday. That should be interesting since he already weighs twenty pounds!
It has been brought to my attention numerous times that I should write a book about this
experience. Holy cow! How in the world would I manage to do that with my ADD??? I do not
know where to start, let alone fill an entire book. I suppose I could direct it at those going
through similar situations, throw in some humor, childhood flashbacks, etc. Is there a class to
take on memoir writing? I know there is for novels, or maybe that is how I should approach it -
with some embellishment; however, at this point I cannot think of anything that would require
any more embellishment than what reality hans’t already supplied on its own.

There are finally some good movies out on dvd, and I have been catching up on my media
through Netflix, and yes, all the hype is oh so true! Netflix is the most ingenious concept that I
have taken advantage of in a long time. I own way too many sub-par movies because I didn’t
turn them into Blockbuster on time. Netflix is the perfect enabler of the procrastinator. Plus, I
can rent as many as I want for a flat rate and free shipping! This works out great for tv series
that I want to catch up on at the moment. Some of the films and shows are available instantly
on the website. With instant view, I have watched all five previous seasons of The Office over
the course of the past month. This works out great since I am usually two - three hours behind
Zac going to sleep. I just stick in the earphones and cuddle up with my laptop and watch as
much or little as I like, but then again when I get the giggles it tends to disturb him even though
I try to stifle it.

I want to take advantage of this time at home because I will probably never get an opportunity
like this again. I am in the process of creating a realistic list of domestic and professional goals
that I hope to accomplish within the next year. I will reveal the list in my next post: maybe by
then I will have created it. :)

Now for what is really weighing on my mind today: the game. :) I so badly hate that I cannot
be there, but as far as I am concerned it should be called the “petrie dish” and not the Rose
Bowl. I cannot imagine the lecture I would get from every direction if anyone at clinic ever found
out, and with my luck I would get violently ill out there and have to be hospitalized then have to
tell them I was on the other side of the country. They would probably relinquish all responsibility
and tell me to find a new health care system! I send all of my spirit and support to Pasadena
tonight: ROLL TIDE!!!