Transfer of Griswold

Friday, December 11, 2009

As I sit here in the middle of my glowing living room, I cannot help but think, "home sweet, sweet, sweet
home." Oh, Christmastime, how I love you as well. My first artificial tree looks pretty darn amazing, if I
do say so myself. I love when the sun starts to go down everyday because then my living room is filled
with the glow of the tree, table, and other random light decorations that fill the living area with hues of
red, green, gold, and white. Now, I just have to get some gifts wrapped to fill empty space beneath the

The results from Tuesday's biopsy were good: no more signs of rejection. They adjusted some of my
anti-rejection meds because of some crazy levels in the lab work, but those are easily fixable. The
steroids haven't been brought down yet because of the new adjustments. They want to see how those
level out before adjusting the steroids as well. Monday's labs will hopefully give an answer as far as that

I am still adjusting to being home all day and unable to run any errands. Which is probably good because I
would want to be going, going, going all of the time when I do not need to; however, it makes Christmas
time extremely difficult: shopping and getting to see all of the decorations out and about. So far my
shopping has consisted of the Ochsner and Spring Hill Memorial gift shops. Ugh. I will say they do get in
some cute stuff that you can't find too many other places. Of course I have done some internet shopping,
but that gets pretty old after two months. Webpages do not change as often as store displays, believe it
or not.

Finn is loving all of the lights and fiber optics around here, too. We have a lot of extra decor that I used
in my classroom last year, so we are borderline Griswold. He has been watching Christmas Vacation and
Charlie Brown's Christmas, too. He loved watching me string up my ornament chandelier. My mom gave me
an oblong reindeer pillow with crimson bells on each corner, and he has figured out that if he hits it with
his foot, it will jingle. This keeps him quite intrigued. In addition to the pillow, he has become fascinated
with touching my face and mouth. He will even mush my cheeks and and bump heads with me; it's
hilarious. Speaking of my face, I will end with this little story: I went over to my cousin's house on Friday
for her to take some Christmas pictures. She has twin four-year-olds, whom upon my arrival were saying
things like, "Is that Bethany?," "Bethany's here!" etc. Then it came - "Mommy! That's not Bethany!
Bethany's face is brown. That's not Bethany. Bethany's face is brown. That's not her." Thanks for
reminding me. =) At least they didn't say, "Mommy! That's not Bethany! Bethany's face is orange. That's
not Bethany. Bethany's face is orange. That's not her."