Home for Two

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Woop woop! I am packing to go home! During my biopsy and echo yesterday, Dr.
Mandras told me that I didn't need to be back until my next biopsy and echo in two
weeks! If the results from yesterday's tests are questionable, I will simply have to
come back: no biggie. We have the apartment long enough to get it cleared out next
week, and they scheduled my labs at Spring Hill on Monday so that I didn't have to
come all of the way over here just to draw blood. I also got the ok to start cardiac
rehab, which I will do at Spring Hill as well, since that is where my cardiologist's
office is. That situation has worked out really well, too. My new cardiologist actually
just came from Ochsner to Spring Hill just before I got here, so he knows everyone
here, and the lines of communication will be wide open and much easier to manage
between the two establishments. By the way, cardiac rehab is simply working out on a
treadmill with RN and exercise physiologist supervision to determine your tolerance
and assess your progress. I have to complete this program before doing any other
exercise. The class is for an hour three days a week for twelve weeks.
We will be having lunch at my aunt's house tomorrow then going to Zac's folk's place
in the afternoon. It will so nice to do normal things again. Mandras said it will
probably be about three months until I can go into public, but still with my mask. I am
beyond caring about that; I just want out of the car and apartment!
Since we will probably not be staying in the apartment anymore, please do not send
anymore mail. I would to miss someone's sweet message and never know it was sent.
Anyway, time to go home, watch Christmas Vacation, and decorate MY OWN