This New Heart Better Be Worth It!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

8:38 a.m.
The screening process was grueling during the second week of my stay. This process includes a mammogram, abdominal ultrasound, pulmonary breathing exam/exercise, a psych evaluation, pelvic exam and pap smear, and the drawing of 24 tubes of blood. Did I mention this all took place in one day? This was one the two most difficult days.

The second most difficult day was the day when I had the first heart cath put in and was told that the medications were not going to work. Things have since gotten better. I had an amazing birthday with my family - complete with birthday cake and laMadelines. (I had special permission from the doctors to "cheat" on my diet.)

I seemed to be pretty stable, and the possibility of going home was more of a reality. They installed a picc line in my left arm so that I could get my iv meds at home with a defibrillator. But the morning I had the picc line put in they also wanted a chest CT scan. Between the two procedures, Dr. Mandras came to me and said that she had spoken with all of her colleagues and the cardiothorasic surgeons; they all agreed that I needed to have the cath put back in my neck and go priority 1A on the transplant list. This is the top of the top. So here I wait.

9:15 a.m.
Trying not to get over-excited, but they have informed me that I have a potential donor who matches my blood type and weight bracket!!! So now we wait...