Party in TSU

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today was Bethany's 25th Birthday. We tried to make it as special as we could, without getting in too much trouble with the hospital staff! She got so many great messages via email, on Facebook, and telephone. What an outpouring of love!

With permission from our "Cindy Goat", we got her a great chocolate cake from a nearby bakery. I gained weight just sniffing it! Her doctor gave her permission to stray from the strict low sodium/low cholesterol diet for the celebration. She had been craving a Frosty, so that was the 1st treat of the day.

She received deliveries of a lovely gift basket from some family back
home, a balloon bouquet and some flowers. Later, her adorable baby boy came in with balloons,
cake, and PRESENTS. Finally, Zac & Kylee went out and brought home some yummy food from
La Madaleine. Cheryl brought some cupcakes for the staff, too. Dr. Owen, Dr. Mandras, and
"Cindy Goat" came in and ooohhh'd and ahhh'd at all the fun stuff..but mostly, the cute baby!
While there, they decided to stop the primacor drip, hoping her BP would stay up. It did drop
back down to 76/50. Dr. Owen decided to try a 500 mL fluid bolus (SLOWLY), since that helped
so much on Monday, and he held all the heart meds, except the digitoxin for tonight. The last
BP ready was 99/60. We'll see what tomorrow brings. During the party, Bethany got a phone
call from Blue Cross saying they had the approved the heart transplant for payment. We still
don't know which status they will list her under, and when or if she will be able to go home to
wait. I think we wore both Bethany and Finn out today...too much of a good thing! They both
missed napping time. Finn is a wee bit cranky and restless tonight. Bethany is her same sweet
self, but her eyes looked tired, so Kylee, Finn and I left before visiting hours were over, to let
her rest. She looks so good, we sometimes forget how sick she is! We'll try to keep things a lot
lower key tomorrow, so she can rest. I keep my phone on vibrate, and don't answer when I am
in her room, if she is asleep. If I don't answer a call, please be patient, I will return the call,
when I can. It appears to me that Bethany really enjoys text messages, and emails, but she
struggles when talking on the phone sometimes. I'm not sure if that is from the emotional side
of this, or if talking, and trying to sound her normal upbeat self is hard for her. Just an
observation on my part, but I thought I would pass it along.

Kim is coming back tomorrow, which means Kylee, Cheryl & I may need to tie him up to have
any time with Finn (other than bath time, and dirty diaper time, that it)

I am also worn I will close, again with my thanks for all the prayers!

God Bless,